Wednesday 17 January 2018

Freedom to Not Judge

We are to live in freedom and freedom is very freeing.  However, it is easy to sit back and make judgements on others freedom choices.  It is better for us to not go there. Let people live and make their own choices.  In your freedom you may have opportunity to share what you think and it may bring freedom to those who hear.  Be free to let others fail with their choices as well. They may learn from their choices and true freedom is discovery of the great Truth for oneself that leads to good choices.

Another challenging one for me is when others sit in judgement of my choices of freedom. The make decisions on whether what I have done is good and true or suspect.  I need to step away from others  judgements on me.  I can continue to live in real freedom when I don't let others thoughts about me affect the choices I make.  I need to come back to that objective reality to measure my choices and not depend on others subjective thoughts towards me.

Monday 8 January 2018

Life is Hard

No one should ever say life will be easy if you only.....

Everyone has challenges. Whether you're rich or poor, tall or short, fat or thin or any ethnic background. Everyone has challenges. Some may be easier to identify. Some people  may have more and others less, but we all have hard times.

How we face them is our choice. I believe it is possible to face challenges in a positive way. With thanksgiving which often leads to joy.  It's funny that the most joy filled generous people I've met have been those who have had to face some of life's greatest challenges and without financial strength.

I can learn a lot from them.

 Life is hard, but it sure can be GREAT too!

Saturday 6 January 2018

The Grand Revelation

People have, will, and always will do things that hurt or offend you. The key is to choose to forgive them.   It's not an emotional choice, although at times emotions can lead the way, it is a mental decision.   You must choose to walk the road of forgiveness.

When you hold onto the hurt or offense caused by someone else you allow them to hold control over you.  You allow them to dictate your emotions and far too often affect your response.

Forgiveness brings you freedom. Freedom to be who you were meant to be. Freedom to make choices and responses that are in no way tainted by others wrongs toward you. Freedom to be truly free.

Thursday 4 January 2018

What's really tough is when those you love  go through hard times and there's nothing you can do..... When bullying happens.... mistreatment.... judgement..... abandonment.... the list goes on. Everything in me wants to fix it, but I can't. Hopelessness becomes my struggle. Again I try to look beyond myself.... beyond those I love.  I try to have hope in an all loving God, but when nothing happens it tempts me with  disillusion; especially when so much has come from "Christians". Again a pray and hope...... I guess I hope and trust God is bigger and better than people.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Mental health is such a topic these dsys; and rightly so.... Depression can come at you from many directions. I find the battle for my mind is one that always rages. So far the one thing I've found that helps me more than anything else is seeking out objective truth. I need to step away from personal feelings and find the truth that is outside of me, that doesn't change and that I can trust. This truth begins to stabilize my brain, my thoughtlife.  Then I can begin to find joy and peace from that stability that comes from outside of myself.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Starting again.... again.

I have had a really rough 2017!

What has made it rough?  Many things.... I've lost my job. People have gossiped, slandered, lied about me (repeatedly) which largely contributed to me losing my job. Yes, this has all helped me have a really rough year.  Moved to a new place 2 1/2 years ago to give this gig a try and it didn't work out.

On top of that my daughter has been bullied and harassed. Some of this from seemingly good "godly" leaders. No real friends for her in school either. My son has had a different set of challenges that we only discovered this year as well....

There are many reasons I look back on 2017 and am happy it is behind me. I am wanting to have a good outlook for 2018 and think I am..... so here it goes.....